It’s time to advertise our collection of stained glass windows that we’ve had stashed away for eons. With a view to building a specialised rack to store these beautiful things… alas, it has slipped down the priority list, I’ve just had these all repaired and now am a bit nervous that they will become damaged again!!!
So, without further ado… here is the pricing (I think the sizes will show up in each picture, so just refer back here for the corresponding size!):
1030 x 780: (really soft deco colours) $580
530 x 610: $330.00
730 x 760: $330.00 NOW SOLD
560 x 450: $330.00 NOW SOLD
640 x 500: (fully refurbished) $350.00
440 x 790: $300.00
380 x 410: (little blue toilet window) $180.00
650 x 690 (matching pair): $325 each or $600 pair. NOW SOLD
580 x 450: $330.00 NOW SOLD
680 x 870 (crest style): $440.00 NOW SOLD
840 x 840: $450.00
680 x 870 (bow/teardrop style): $440.00 NOW SOLD
580 x 610 (pair): $275 each or $500 pair.
760 x 610 (play school’s ‘through the arched window’!): $350.00
980 x 610: (bigger: play school’s ‘through the arched window’!): $380.00 NOW SOLD
810 x 460: (gumnuts) $350.00 NOW SOLD
820 x 840: $275.00
1020x 680: (fully refurbished) $580.00