It is a time of change for the yard… on many fronts, but this is the one we are ready to celebrate!!
If you haven’t already, then meet Glenn Ferguson.This incredible man deserves a post all of his own, as he really has been the back bone of everything we have achieved for the best part of the past decade! Nothing sinister or sad going on here, Glenn and his family have sold their home (that they entirely re built and re styled in just 3 years!), bought a caravan and are currently spearing monster flat head off a beach on the west coast of Tasmania… sigh!
I have to say that although a little wind has spilt from the Salvage Yard sail a little due to his departure, we acknowledge that every powerhouse needs to decompress from time to time… and have some time to reflect and recharge (as I write this I realise that the language reads as somewhat ‘momentary’ as opposed to ‘permanent’… perhaps that is wishful thinking on my behalf!). So last year, as we did exactly the same thing… swanning around for 10 months, Glenn decided that he was up for the challenge of keeping the gates open here. With absolutely no precedent to go by (brand new business)… we all decided that if he could sell enough stock to make his wage, then by all means he should have a crack! He did better than that…. it was no doubt stressful times, but we couldn’t have asked for a better gatekeeper than this fellow!
When we sat back to reflect on how much had been achieved this year… we were a little stunned when we gathered all the projects together, and realised that for most, it would seem super human… and perhaps without GF on a team, that would be correct. Every morning, half an hour before official start time, Glenn would drive through the gate… we’d hear him in the shed getting stuff ready for the day… and when everyone else rolled in just before 8 (including Mat)… he’d be ready to go, didn’t need to debrief any more… just wanted to get into it.
We reckon that Glenn, Charissa, Dylan and Kaylah are having a well earned break… but Dan sure is even grumpier without you here… please come back soon!!! xx